Thursday, October 17, 2013

Birmingham Singles Reviews Habits That Will Damage Your Relationship

Find out the best dating and relationship advice from the experienced matchmakers at Birmingham Singles!
Are you subconsciously doing certain things that are damaging your relationship?  Read on and take a look at these bad habits to find out if you’re damaging your love life without knowing it.
Everyone has a few bad habits that we don’t realize.  Sometimes these bad habits can be silly, but most of the time, these bad habits can be damaging your relationship and distancing you from your partner.  When you fall in love with someone, you cannot see those bad habits, because you’re head over heels for that person.  On the same note, your partner will not see your bad habits either, because they’re head over heels for you.  But after the infatuation stage has worn off, it’s only then that those bad habits start to reveal themselves and things can take a turn for the worse, explains Birmingham Singles.  

Bad Habits That Become Relationship Breakers
You can’t change who you are, can you?  And if you have certain bad habits that could become deal breakers in your relationship, you might not realize it until it’s too late.  After all, it’s easier to deny faults rather than to accept them or accept the fact that your behavior has destroyed your relationship. 
Not all your bad habits could damage your relationship, there might be a few that your partner can overlook for a period of time… That is until those bad habits grow bigger, ultimately damaging your relationship.
Certain Habits That Will Damage Your Relationship
Are you guilty of any of these bad habits in your own relationship?  These habits might not seem like much to you, but in all reality, these habits can land your relationship in a breakup, explains Birmingham Singles

1.  Taking Your Partner For Granted
You know your partner is nice and caring, and you love them for that, but do you remember to thank them and appreciate them for the things they do for you?  Whether it was taking out the trash or stopping after work to pick up a gallon of milk that you forgot, do you remember to thank them? 
You might think that it’s silly to always have to thank them for every little thing, but chances are you are taking their caring and nice behaviors for granted, and without realizing it, you transformed them into expectations, explains Birmingham Singles

2. Keeping Your Feelings In
You try to please your partner very hard, but you get angry when they don’t realize you’ve done something nice for them—and yet you always do nice things for them, which they always take for granted.  But what’s really happening here is this is making you bitter in your relationship, even if you don’t realize it.
If your partner has already started taking you for granted, it is now time to talk to them.  Bottling up your feelings will not help you, explain the matchmakers.  After all, maybe your partner didn’t even notice you did something nice for them.

3. Testing Your Partner
You always make big demands or throw tantrums just to see if your partner is willing to go the extra mile for you.  Sure, these little tests are very common in the beginning of your relationship, when you want your partner to prove how much they love you, but don’t carry this silly habit into a mature relationship, otherwise, you might start to annoy your partner. 

4. Playing Blame Games
Don’t put fault entirely on your partner if you believe you had something to do with it too.  It is very easy to point the finger and accuse your partner for the trouble you’re both in, but if you’re doing that, your partner will feel cornered, helpless, and even angry at you.
On the other hand, by accepting blame or acknowledging your part in the mistake, you are giving your partner the emotional support they truly need, explains Birmingham Singles.  

5. Ignoring Them
Do you choose to ignore your partner instead of having a discussion with them?  You are not alone.  Many men and women would rather give each other the silent treatment than talk about their problems.  Never give your partner the silent treatment, because in the end, you’re only hurting the relationship.  

6. Too High Of Expectations
Do you have high expectations when it comes to your partner?  But do you expect them to lower theirs for you? 
The roles between a husband and a wife or a boyfriend and a girlfriend might be different, but that gives no reason for one partner to demand more from the other, explains Birmingham Singles.  

7. Giving One Word Answers
Never give one word answers to your partner in the middle of a conversation.  Giving a “yes” or “no” answer or using “Hmmm” is rude, even if you are pretending to be concentrating on something else.
When your partner is talking to you, try to answer back the right way.  This will help you both interact and understand each other better, explains Birmingham Singles.  Remember that conversations with one word answers end very quickly. 

8. Making a Scene in Public
Don’t argue with your partner or put them down in public or when your friends are around.  You might have valid frustrations and might have every right to accuse your partner of doing something, but putting them down and hurting them in front of others will hurt their ego and damage your relationship, explains Birmingham Singles.  

9. You’re Always Lying
You lie for any reason, and you just can’t help yourself.  You might choose to lie just because you’re afraid of their temper or because you don’t want to seem weak in their eyes.  There might be different reasons, but the end result will always be the same—Lying will damage your relationship by affecting the trust your partner has for you, explains Birmingham Singles

10. You Never Extend Compliments
When was the last time you gave your partner a compliment for the way they dressed?  A few years ago?  It is very easy to overlook certain things your partner does for you and take them for granted.  Start complimenting your partner more often and let them see that you still admire them and have feelings for them.  

11. Annoyed With Friends
Do you always nag your partner or get annoyed when they leave you alone to hang out with their own friends?  This is very common, and there is a good chance you might feel lonely if your partner decides to hang out with their own friends rather than you, but remember, hanging out with your own friends isn’t bad.  It gives the two of you the space you need as individuals, explains Birmingham Singles

Sometimes, it’s easy to assume these things don’t mean much and they’re not important, but if you continue to follow these bad habits, within a year your relationship will come crumbling down. 

Birmingham Singles Dating Describes How to Look Beautiful In A Few Easy Steps

A woman’s attractiveness isn’t just skin deep.  Use the following tips from the matchmakers of Birmingham Singles Dating on how to look beautiful and sexy and you’ll be able to make a beautiful transformation in no time.
If you ask anyone how to be more attractive and beautiful, the first thing they will tell you is to be yourself, right?  But is that really working for you?  Being yourself is the quickest way to look beautiful, but if it hasn’t worked for you so far, then you just need to become a better version of you.  

How to Look Beautiful and Sexy
No offense to anyone on that one there, but the truth is, sometimes being yourself isn’t going to do the job of making you look beautiful overnight.
People around you might tell you that you’re just perfect the way you are, but what if you don’t feel that way?  How can you really show your true beauty if you don’t feel it inside?  The truth is, change isn’t always a bad thing, explains Birmingham Singles Dating.  And you need to keep in mind that change in inevitable, whether we like it or not.  Think about it, how many people stay the same for the rest of their lives?  Don’t we all change from time to time?  Of course we do, because we get influenced by people around us, close friends, and co-workers… even celebrities influence us.
But as we change over the years, sometimes we get influenced by the wrong type of people.  We decide to just let it go and take shortcuts, then we dislike the reflection of the person we see in the mirror.
But you can now make a change, a positive one, as long as you’re willing to fix certain traits and habits that you think make you look less appealing to others, explains Birmingham Singles Dating. 

Helpful Tips to Change Yourself for the Better
You might have seen several types of women who you might not think are attractive, but yet they still get attention and adoration from men, so does this mean you can’t judge beauty?  Or does it mean that these women have something over you that makes them more interesting to men?
Outer beauty isn’t all about a pretty face and a nice body, it has to do with how you feel inside and how you project yourself to everyone, explainsBirmingham Singles Dating.  So if you really want to transform yourself and become a whole new glamorous woman, use these helpful tips to make yourself beautiful and sexy in no time.

A Beautiful Healthy Face
It has been said that a person’s face is a mirror into their soul.  Are you happy and fun or are you always depressed and boring?  Are you unhealthy?  Have you lost interest in taking care of yourself?
Your face will be the first thing men will notice about you, so if you want to look beautiful and sexy, start taking care of it.  Eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and workout regularly—you will start looking healthy and youthful in just a few days.  And if you have any annoying issues like acne, try to work on them as it will make a huge difference in your appearance and the way you feel about yourself, explains Birmingham Singles Dating.

Your Expressions
A beautiful face looks great, but your expressions are what make your face beautiful.  The way you smile, the way you laugh, and even a simple wink can make a huge difference between a Plain Jane and a gorgeous and charming woman.
Even a woman who doesn’t believe she’s beautiful can transform herself into a gorgeous woman just by learning how to use facial expressions.  As corny as this might be, try practicing in front of the mirror by winking or smiling.  After all, even our expressions are influenced by others around us, so why not try to express yourself in a better way and look beautiful at the same time. 

A Warm & Friendly Attitude
Your aura is something that is around you at all times, and you will not be able to fake it.  Have you ever been next to someone who makes you feel very uncomfortable and awkward?  Or have you ever disliked someone the very first time you talked to them?
On the other hand, did you ever feel very comfortable around someone the first time they introduced themselves when you met them?  Whether you realize it or not, it’s the aura around them that will rub onto you, explains Birmingham Singles Dating.  Fill your mind with positive thoughts and display a friendly attitude--Only when you feel positive will you draw positive people, remind the matchmakers. 

Your Outfit
Dress appropriately without looking like you’re trying too hard.  If you have no idea where to begin, look for a celebrity who resembles your body structure and follow her style.  The way you dress plays a big part in how other people perceive you, explains Birmingham Singles Dating.

The Way You Carry Yourself
Walk, talk, and act like a lady.  If you stand tall and walk gracefully, you will look elegant and will definitely be noticed by men.  Remember that men find women fascinating because they’re so different from them.  So go ahead and show them your femininity and you’ll sweep every man off their feet with your beauty and poise. 

Your Fragrance
A feminine fragrance can make a guy’s neck turn immediately as you walk past.  For people, smell plays a major role in the game of attraction, explains Birmingham Singles Dating.  And if you leave a wonderful waft as you walk past them, you will leave something behind that he just cannot forget. 
Your Hairstyle
The perfect hairstyle can accentuate your facial features and turn you into a beautiful doll in just a few hours.  Play with your hair, visit a hairstylist, or take a look at celebrities for tips.  You might believe it doesn’t play a major role, but you’ll be surprised the major difference it can make in the way you look and feel about yourself, explains Birmingham Singles Dating.
It is easy to feel gorgeous and look beautiful as long as you believe that you are that and more.  Use these helpful tips by Birmingham SinglesDating on how to look beautiful and sexy in no time.  Remember, beauty is in all of us, just as long as you make an effort to show it to the world.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Birmingham Singles Brings You Advice For Working Out With Your Partner

The scene looks beautiful in ads for everything from sneakers to vitamins... Devoted couples running, biking, and hiking together--All while smiling and looking into each other's eyes of course, and always without a drop of sweat. 

If that is what you experience while working out with your partner, applause to you.  However, many of us have somewhat of a different sort of experience when exercising with our partners, explains Birmingham Singles.  Consider the story of a Birmingham woman who convinced her boyfriend to take a ride on the scenic trails with her.  She was pedaling pretty fast, enjoying the physical activity and the fresh air, and as she turned around, she noticed her boyfriend wobbling on his bike while trying to light up a cigarette.  Yes, you read that right.  So clearly, those two have different ideas of what it means to exercise. 

Most people will opt to exercise with other people, because they're more likely to stay active and connected while exercising together.  But how close is too close when working out together?  Research has shown that spouses can make great workout partners, even if one is not as enthusiastic as the other.  The benefits for both partners are huge; including improving their health, better rest, and more energy throughout the day.  Not to mention that physically activity can also improve things for them in the intimacy department, explains Birmingham Singles.  In many scenarios, when one spouse becomes more active, it tends to influence the other partner to start exercising as well, and that effect can be long lasting.  Active individuals are most likely going to have an active partner, regardless of their age.  

Read on as the matchmakers of Birmingham Singles bring you some helpful tips to turn your loving relationship into an exercise partnership as well. 

                     Do not become a gym teacher.  Be gentle with your partner.  To get started, suggest going on a walk together, then progress your physical activity from there.  Go at a pace that is reasonable for the two of you and do not correct your partner if their technique or movements are not how they're supposed to be.

                     Start out as beginners.  Pick an activity that is new for the two of you, that way nobody feels less than competent.  If the two of you start a new activity, both of you will have fun learning, explains Birmingham Singles.  But be sure the activity you pick is something your partner likes as well.

                     Make a date out of it.  Have a realistic plan for your workouts.  It is a great idea to be active together for at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week--And keep that on a regular basis.  Then, as you get better, start bumping that up to 5 times per week.  Add 10 minutes of extreme exercise daily, such as fast walking or running, so that you also burn fat in the process. 

Now, remember, not everyone is a power gym couple, and you need to understand that, reminds Birmingham Singles.  Whether it's different goals, different schedules, or different ways of grunting there is always an excuse to why one wants to exercise alone.  But before you give up before you even give it a go, try working out together as a couple a few times.

Two Is Always Better Than One

Are you still not convinced yet?  Hard workouts can also increase the trust between partners (did someone say spotter), as well as encourages communication and goal sharing between the two of them, explains Birmingham Singles.  Combining quality time and quality workouts can improve a couples relationship in no time.  Research has shown that a solid sweat session releases chemicals in the brain that produce happiness and relieves stress.  When exercise is done as a couple, the post-workout high is said to bring the two of them closer together, and can even improve their libido, at least in women.

More Tips For Working Out As A Couple...

                     Keep the workouts balanced and fair.   Understand that each partner has a different goal, strengths and weaknesses when it comes to working out, reminds Birmingham Singles.  It is very important that couples mix up their routine so that both partners get a good workout.  Perhaps one person is better in lifting while the other is better at cardio, so customize the workouts so that everyone is happy.

                     Never compete.  Use your workouts to show your partner the support you both have for each other, explains Birmingham Singles.  Don't compete, because when you do, one person will always lose.  Allow each other to grow at your own speeds.  Although there is nothing wrong with motivating your spouse or partner, because having someone to be by your side throughout your workouts is like having a cheerleader by your side. 

                     Be persuasive.  The biggest challenge you might have when working out as a couple is that your partner might not want to work out that day, and this is why it's important to be persuasive.  Tell your partner that you'll fix the sink or do laundry if they work out with you.  Or, you can even tell them that you'll prepare their favorite meal when they get home. 

                     Train hard and laugh together.  Working out isn't about being serious all the time.  Again, don't take working out too seriously and compete with each other.  Train hard, of course, but laugh and enjoy it whenever possible.  

                     Don't try to show off.  If you're way more experienced than your partner when it comes to a particular workout, the last thing you want to do is show off.  So what if you can do 20 more pushups than your partner or you can run 3 more miles than they can?  They are your partner and you should motivate them, not show off in front of them or make them feel bad about themselves, reminds Birmingham Singles.

                     Work out alone.  In the beginning, it's always good to start working out alone.  This prevents dependency from your partner.  And sometimes, because of busy schedules, couples might not be able to make it to the gym together.  This is why it's important that you work out and let your partner know you did a workout to motivate them to get to the gym as well. 
                     Don't be a tease.  Don't wear anything too provocative when working out.  Remember, you're going to work out, not to a modeling show. 

                     Get help.  Sometimes it's best to seek help from a personal trainer.  If the two of you have no prior experience working out, it is recommended to get help from a professional who will give you a routine and direct instructions so you don't hurt yourselves in the process.

If you are not in a relationship, Birmingham Singles suggests going with a friend or family member as they will still serve as motivation (as you will to them as well) to get you to work out.